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Roller Coaster Kingdom

, Posted by Admin at 7:53 AM

It’s a fair question right? Pretty much everyone plays at least one Facebook game these days. They’re easy to set up, quick time wasters and anyone can get into them relatively easily. Fast forward a bit though and you start to realize that if you want to do well at these games, they’re actually quite hard. You’re not going to blast from level 1 to whatever the level cap is in your game of choice over night.

That’s what I learned recently with Roller Coaster Kingdom, my newest addiction. I had played a bit of FarmVille and Mafia Wars and had done well enough, but I hadn’t ever spent more than a few minutes trying to get anywhere in this game.

Then, I logged on one Sunday and poof, there went the rest of my weekend. Suffice it to say, my computer almost got unplugged by the powers that be and I was getting very frustrated because I wasn’t getting much of anywhere in the game.
So, I did some researching. Turns out there is a fantastic new guide on the market called Roller Coaster Kingdom Secrets that actually helps balance out how you play the game, providing a TON of secrets for anyone that wants to reach level 25 fast or load up on coins. Since that was exactly what I was looking for, I went for it.

Fast forward a few weeks and I’m way, way better at this game. In fact, in my own circle of friends, I’m one of the best around. This thing is easier than I thought, by far. It’s a blast to play too – way more energizing and entertaining than anything I’ve played on Facebook. All it took to learn all that was a game guide that could uncover the finer points of the game.

Anyone out there in the same boat (and I know there a few million of you), consider checking out Roller Coaster Kingdom Secrets. It’s a fantastic option for anyone interested in that extra boost.

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