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Ah, It’s YoVille – Time to Grab the Survival Kit

, Posted by Admin at 7:38 AM

YoVille sure seems to be adept at eating the hours in my day. Whenever I get online each day, I tell myself that I will avoid it at all costs – spending my time doing something productive like watching YouTube videos or staring out the window (joking of course). But, soon enough I’m in there baking new sweets, visiting friend and pretending to fish. I’ll admit it – I’m an addict.

So, when I saw that there was a new guide out there for the game called YoVille Secrets, I couldn’t hold back any longer. This is a game that deserves to be researched and enjoyed as much as possible and if I could cut down the time I spend wasting around in the game (or more realistically, get more done with the time I do spend there), all the better.

Turns out, I could do both. Not only does YoVille Secrets help you get the most out of every minute you spend in the game, it creates a highly streamlined strategy that will allow you to play less and get further each day. It shows you how to make the maximum allotment of coins each day, how to setup a schedule and find friends to help you top out your profits. It helps you create a streamlined approach to everything you do in the game, including the dreaded leveling curve.

In short, it makes my life so much easier and I still get to play the game that I love so much. Which is a nice plus, especially when I don’t end up spending four or five hours logged into Facebook at a time. The funny looks and questions I get from my friends and family when they see me on there all day are quite enough to make you want to crawl into a hole. Now, however, things are a lot easier. So, if you’re like me at all (and if so, I’m sorry), then check out YoVille Secrets. 

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